
The Youth unemployment rate in Ethiopia is around 7% while, 25% of youth aged 15-29 are underemployed .In Ethiopia’s growth and transformation plan Ethiopia plans to become a middle class country in 2025.Therefore, a lot of unemployed youth don’t have life goals and direction .Our program aims to give these youth have an inspiration in terms of their career development making their employability chances high.

It enables to give platform for so many designers with potentials that did not get the opportunity to present their creative talents upfront to the general public and interested parties.

Provide coaching to some designers on how to develop a business plan, so that they can take their talents and turn them into a source of income for themselves and, as a source of employment and economic growth for Ethiopia.

Participants in the project will learn to think about brand identity, marketing, production challenges, sales and distribution, cash flow, and financing..

Ethiopian supermodels whose appearances will grace world class runways will be born out of the show.

Helps in adding tremendous value on the garment, textile and leather industry through nurturing creative talents to make marketable products. In other words, young talents will be able to convert their talents into money, by doing so more entrepreneurs will be created.

Help export Ethiopian fabrics and clothing by encouraging Ethiopian designers to produce and market quality and fit products, we will also be exporting unique talents of designers, models and other relevant clienteles.

We will be running an aggressive interactive social media marketing strategy to be able to encourage export particularly by targeting the international audience .We will use a vigorous export promotion campaign on sites like Facebook, twitter, Instagram and YouTube by using an @kuta handle.

Women makeup a huge part of the workforce involved in the textile industry. Participating in this project will benefit job creation for women in developing countries. Other marginalized groups are encouraged to apply and participate in this competition.

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